News and What's New
On The Site 2008

      It is intended to use this page to keep visitors to the site updated on what's going on, what past squadron members have been located and what has been added or changed since the last visit. So, check in here when your interested in:

The Site is searching for 4050th APS, 814th APS/CDS/SPS and 99th SPS Patches. If you, or some one you know, are/is willing to sell and or donate a 4050th APS, a 814th APS/CDS/SPS or a 99th SPS patch please contact the Site Webmaster:

"what's new."

December 2008


     Harry Stringer sent in his memories of a B-47 crash. Check it out on the "Stories From The Flight Line Page." It's the last one down on the list posted on 12/30/08. "Memories from Harry Stringer"


     Harry Stringer sent in photos of 10 news paper articles of the June 27, 1958 KC-135 Tanker crash at Westover. Check them out on page 2 of photos from the past.


     Harry Stringer sent in his memories of the KC-135 Tanker Crash June 1958. Check it out on the "Stories From The Flight Line Page." It was posted on 12/25/08. "Memories from Harry Stringer"


     A big welcome to Harry Stringer who located the website and sent in a big hello. Harry was a member of the 4050th APS back in 1955 when things were just started with SAC at Westover. He came on board with the 4050th ARW. Harry spent a TDY to Thule then a brief assignment to the "Goose" and ended back here at Westover with the 814th APS.


      Tom Fitch sent in his memories of the 814th CDS move out to the Stony Brook barracks in June of 1962. Check it out on the "Stories From The Flight Line Page." It's the last one down on the list posted on 12/09/08. I remember that move very well It occurred the month I obtained my discharge and I was two rooms down from Tom.


      Tom Fitch contacted the site by email and included a link to a document listing all the USAF (SAC) units assigned to Westover in chronological order from 1955 to 1974. The listing was compiled by a William R. Butman Jr. Many thanks go out to both Tom for finding the link and to Mr.Butman for his work in drawing this information together. That list can be found *[here]* You will need MS Word to view the document.


      Tom Fitch sent in the memory of his first Christmas at Westover. It was some what of an adjustment weather wise, as he had just completed a tour in Okinawa and a 7 day leave at home in Hawaii, before arriving at Westover. Check it out on the "Stories From The Flight Line Page." It's the last one down on the list posted on 12/03/08.

November 2008


     A big welcome to Carl L. (Kelly) Chamberlin. Carl was a member of the 814th CDS from November 1965 to April of 1967. At which time he shipped out to Vietnam and the 37th SPS at Phu Cat. Welcome Home Carl.


     A second page for "Photos from The Past" has been started. Look for "Photos Form The Past Page 2" on the contents page.


     Check out the stories from the flight line page. Roy Gallagher has a cool memory of when Jane (Hanoi) Fonda was protesting with local college students at the main gate because the 52's from Westover had been sent to Guam and were flying missions over Vietnam.


     Wayne J. Wirth did some digging and came up with many, many photos of when he served at Westover and Vietnam. Wayne served with the 814th K-9 section back in 66 and 67. From Westover he went PCS to Tan Son Nut AFB in 67 and 68. Thanks for the photos Wayne I'm working on getting them up on the photos page.


     Roy A. Gallagher signed in on 11/12/08. Roy was a member of the 99th SPS K-9 From Jan. 72 to Dec. 1972. From Westover Roy went PCS to the 56th SPS at Nakorn Phanom RTAFB. His biography page is filled out and is now up on the members page. Also, Roy sent in some awesome photos that will be added to the photos page. Welcome to the site Roy and let us know if you have any ideas on how to make it better.


     On the evening of November 1, 2008, three members of this site who served collectively at Westover with the 4050 APS, 814th APS/CDS, and the 901st Weapons System Security Flight (AFR) attended a retirement ceremony for members of the 439th SFS (AFR) assigned to Westover ARB. The 439th SFS is the current Security Forces Squadron assigned to Westover and is a fast reaction force that has served in Iraq, Afghanistan, Desert Storm, and the current Iraqi Freedom. Many of its members have had multiple tours to the Middle East. The 439th is rightfully proud of its heritage. It acknowledges that those of us, who served with the 4050th, the 814th, and the 99th in SAC at Westover, led the way and established the foundation on which the current SFS are based. It is important to the 439th that this heritage is not lost. To this end we have been invited to attend the next retirement ceremony and hopefully we can have a better turnout of past members from the 4050th, the 814th, and the 99th. Keep an eye on the site for future information on the 439th.

October 2008


     A warm welcome is extended to Eugene Tilden of the 814th CDS and the 99th SPS. Eugene served at Westover from 1961 to 1964 as a member of the 81thCDS and from 1968 to 1970 as a member of the 99th SPS. Eugene also served in Germany from 1965 to 1967.

September 2008


     Edmund (Ted) Ellis has sent in some great photos of the 4050th APS during the summer of 1955 and 56. Also a great photo of Ted re-enlisting taking the oath from Capt. Wise while on duty on the flight line in 1958. Check them out on the "photos from the past" page; all the way down to the last two rows of photos. Click Here. Thanks Ted its historians (great wonderful pack rats) like you that make the site come alive.

August 2008


     A warm welcome is extended to Wayne J. Wirth of the 814th APS K-9 section. Wayne served at Westover from September 1966 to September 1967. Wayne also served at Tan Son Nut AFB from 1967 to 1968.


     An interesting website has been found with rather detailed information on the "Notch" [Westover's alternate SAC command center]. That website can be viewed Here


     A new photo from Luther C. Wolford of C-Flight K-9 (1967) has been received and posted. Also Luther notified us that A/1C Ronald Wilkins (814th CDS & 99th SPS K-9 1966-1968) passed away in 1997. A/1C Wilkins as been added to the final Honors roster.


     Lets welcome David L. Homan a member of the 814th CDS - K9 from 1964 to 1966. David served with the 632nd SPS Bihn Thuy AB Vietnam 1966 - 1967. Also Desert Storm 1990 - 1991.


     Lets welcome Robert Brdford a member of the 814th CDS - K9 from 1964 to 1965. Bob also served in Vietnam at Da Nang AB.


     Several New names have been added to the roster of Squadron Members. Photos provided by Luther C. Wolford have been added to the Photos from the Past Page. I believe that this brings everything up to date. If not, give me a shout and I'll get to work on it. Alan.


     The site web master has just returned from a much needed rest and a small vacation. All the information received by the site from mid July up to mid August will be processed as soon as possible. Your understanding is appreciated.

July 2008


     It is with sadness that we post this news. TSgt. Arthur (Attilio) J. Sassi, ret. slipped peacefully away from us in his own home on Wednesday July 2nd. Arthur was a member of the 814th CDS from May 1960 to May 1963. I had the pleasure of knowing him and working with him. He will be missed.

June 2008


     Would the individual who sent in information from the website between Friday June 12th and Sunday June 15th please send it in again. The message was lost due to a computer error.

May 2008


     James B. Seery Jr. left a comment in the site guest book stating he was stationed at Westover from Dec. 66 to Jun. 68 with the 814th CDS K9. From Westover he was transferred to Guam with Ron Conley. Welcome Jim, very glad you took the time to drop a few lines into the Guest Book.


     Ronald Conley, 814th CDS -- 99th SPS, November 1966 to April 1968 filled out the membership form and emailed it in. Welcome Ron, hope to hear from you soon.


     Jim LeVangie a member of the 814th Base Police Flight from 1959 to 1961 fount the site and filled out the past members information form. He also sent in some excellent photos of the old Fairview and ID gates along with a photo of the 75 mm Salute Canon used at the main Flag Pole at the end of Central Ave. Welcome to our growing community Jim.

April 2008


     Richard White, SMSgt (Ret) has graciously provided a series of photos of "C" Flight 814th CDS: Both on and off duty. Check the "Photos From The Past" Page. Descriptions will be added soon.


     Welcome to Les Lindstrom. Les contacted the site and filled in the information form and is now listed on the located past members page. Les was a member of the 814th CDS from 1867 to 1968. Welcome to our growing community Les.


     Another belated welcome, this time to Harold R. Hazen. Harold first contacted the site on April 3rd of this year. However, again "due to circumstances" he is just now being listed on the members page. No he didn't fall through the cracks, and yes, I'm still playing "catch-up".


     Another belated welcome, this time to Arthur J. Sassi. Arthur first contacted the site on April 10th of this year however, "due to circumstances he is just now being listed on the members page. No he didn't fall through the cracks, at the moment I'm still playing catch-up".


     A belated welcome to SMSgt.(ret) Richard White. SMSgt White first contacted the site on April 5th of this year however, due to circumstances he is just now being listed on the members page. No he didn't fall through the cracks, at the moment I'm playing catch-up.


     We have received documentation from Richard White, SMSgt (Ret) that the 814th CDS was recognized as the Best Combat Defence Squadron in SAC on 19 November 1964. This documentation will be added to the Squadron Bulletin Board as soon as possible. Many thanks to SMSgt White, a former member of the 814th CDS. We welcome SMSgt White to growing list of past members that have checked in.

March 2008


     Check the "Stories From The Flight Line" page for a few new memories from Peter T. Dorofy who was stationed at Westover from October 62 to December 64. [Here]

February 2008


     A new feature has been added to the table of contents page check out "Video Of The Week". I have thought long and hard about doing this and I hope it meets with your approval. Full credit must be given to the staff at for their support and authorization for use of their video stock. You should not have any difficulty in playing the video however if you do, try using "FLV Player" it can be down loaded [Here]. and it's free. I would appreciate any feed back you have regarding this just drop me an email [Here].


     TSgt. Frank Tomaselli (Ret.) from the 99th SPS (08/68 - 08/72) has provided many pages of Yankee Flyer photos and stories centered on the 99th SPS. The first of the photos have been scanned and can now be seen on the "Photos From The Past" page. Scroll down to the bottom of the photo page to see them after you click [Here].


     Luther C. Wolford 814th CDS & 99th SPS K-9 Nov. 1966 to Apr. 1968 filled in the information form from the front page of the site and sent it in. Welcome Luther. we need your e-mal address or a phone number so we can contact you. If you see this please contact us with the needed information - thanks. e-mail the site webmaster: [Here]. 02/22/08

     Larry Congdon 814th CDS 1966 - 1968 visited the site and sent in his basic information, anyone that served with Larry he would like to hear from you. You can e-mail Larry here.

     TSgt. Vincent Elmore (Ret.) from the 814th and the 99th SPS called last night and wanted to be signed in. Vincent doesn't have a PC but caught the website's article in the last issue of "Tiger Flight." (the Air Force Security Police Association bimonthly magazine)


     TSgt. Frank Tomaselli (Ret.) from the 99th SPS (08/68 - 08/72) is the latest Squadron member to look us up and sign in. Welcome back to the flight line Frank. If anyone remembers being stationed with or working with Frank he would appreciate hearing from you. Check out his contact information[Here]


     Mark Pratt from the 99th SPS Feb 1967 - Nov 1969. Mark has contacted the site and provided his dates of service at Westover. It's good to have you on board Mark. Glad you took the time and effort to locate us.

January 2008


     Check the "Stories From The Flight Line" page for a few new memories from Don Crawford who was a on base dependant. He gives a refreshing look at the other side of our duty [Here] .


     It is with sadness that I inform the readers of this page of the passing of Don Charlwood’s wife Kelly. Don was a member of the 814th CDS from 1958 to 1960 and is listed on the located members page. Kelly died peacefully at home on January 29, 2008, a victim of stage four cancer, which she heroically battled over the past year. Our thoughts and prayers go out to Don and his family. If you would care to send a card or your condolences, Don’s email address and his USPS mail address are linked to his name on the located members page.



On January 31, 2008 this site will have completed its first full year of operation. During the past year we have grown from a germ of an idea into a fully operational website that is still growing and still learning. We started out with full focus on the 814th APS/CDS/SPS. This expanded into a realization that the 814th took over from the 4050th APS; and in turn the 814th handed over the security responsibilities to the 99th SPS. As military priorities changed and were shifted to meet the challenges of the world wide geopolitical realities facing the USAF, the ever changing responsibilities Westover was called upon to meet also changed. These changes can be seen in the dispersal of 4050th APS, 814th APS/CDS/SPS, and the 99th SPS. and ultimately the departure of the 8th AF and SAC from Westover. However during these years, our mission, the mission of protect and defend, never changed. It was that mission, that sacrifice, that pride, that comradeship, which move this website forward. It is our goal to insure that in the coming year the site will continue to grow, and contact will be made with an ever increasing number of past squadron members. We are also working on the development of a contact and information exchange board which hopefully will be implemented during the coming year.

The website thanks each and every one of you that has contributed and helped in this effort. Thank you--job well done!


     Westover Air Show is on for this year. Check your calendars for September 6th and 7th, 2008. Full article is here


     When you now view the "Squadron Bulletin Board" page click you will note that it has been reorganized to only list squadron documents or other items that members are asked to respond to, such as contacts with lost friends or requests for assistance. When a past squadron member contacts the site and is newly listed on the "located members" page click that information will now be only listed here on the "what's new" page.


     Bruce Seymour from the 814th - 1961 to Dec. 1965 read the squadrons announcement in the Nov. Dec. 2007 issue of "Tiger Flight" and made the effort to contacted us. A warm welcome to CMSgt (Ret.) Seymore, and thanks for passing on the word to Samuel J. (Joe) Ellis

     Samuel J. (Joe) Ellis from the 814th (12/59 - 11/65 and the 99th (12/66 - 9/73) for a total of 13 years at Westover. I think Joe either had a good contact or didn't have a good contact. Welcome Joe Ellis either way it's an honor.


     George Y. de Randich from the 99th SPS Nov. 1970 - Apr. 1971 and Apr. 1972 - Jul. 1973. George has contacted the site and provided his dates of service at Westover, with a stop at Phan Rang. I hope we have the right email address for you George.


     Some minor to moderate changes have bee made to the "Home" page and to the "Contents" page. On the home page you no longer have to go through the "opening comments page" to get into the site proper and now go directly to the "contents" page. Additionally, a minor face lift has been given to the "Home" page to give it a stronger atmosphere of the Air Police Career Field. The "Contents" page has been adjusted to read better and hopefully now is easier to follow. Your comments on these changes are welcomed.


     Richard C. Panico from the 814th CDS 1959 - 1963. Rich has contacted the site and provided his dates of service at Westover. It's good to have you on board Rich. Glad you took the time and effort to locate us.


     James G. Stewart from the 814th CDS Apr 1957 - Dec 1958. James entered his history into the Squadron Guest Book and gave the web master a phone call. Welcome home Jim, glad you found us.


     Peter T. Clagett from the 814th CDS Mar 1962 - Jun 1966 has signed into the site, filled out the Squadron information form and emailed it in. Welcome back to the 814th Peter.


     Joseph M. Grandonico Msgt (Ret) from the 814th APS/CDS 1962-1964 has signed into the site. Welcome "Joe G," Your thoughts and comments are welcomed.


     Francis M. Tinsley from the 814th CDS and the 99th SPS (Jul65-Oct69) has signed into the site. The first Squadron member to sign in for 2008. Welcome let us know if you have any suggestions.

Archived 2007 entries can be found [Here]

Bulletin Board